I’m Scared I Appeared Distant. Exactly What Should I Perform?

Reader Question:

I had gotten a bit of a crush on a colleague. We spoke together about obtaining lunch. Regrettably, the two of us had different occuring times on our calendar, and I was a lot more than one hour late.

A few weeks later, she invited myself as well as 2 different guys from the workplace over to products along with her (along with her buddies). We, regrettably, was required to decrease because of a small business meeting.

I then asked their out to products and she reacted, “I’m going to the city this weekend if not i might totally grab beverages.”

I believe like everything is heading at a rather friendly pace, but i am nervous I’ve appeared distant/busy/occupied, and that is perhaps not my personal objective.

Any tips?

-John (Maryland)

Rachel Dack’s Response:

Hi John,

Seems like a regrettable string of occasions for which you kept missing out on both and weren’t available at the same time, but I have no worries. You’ll be able to absolutely program the woman you are interested by simply making an attempt today.

Withstand defeating your self upwards for any missed options. Show her you are interested and care by trying to place another thing about calendar and continuing to speak with her.

In addition suggest maybe not producing a big deal of the past, but instead consider maintaining the bond moving in the current. The hope is you can resolidify everything you believe toward the lady and allow the connection develop normally after which makes it obvious you are doing want to see the woman outside of work.

If you find yourself mindful, articulate and provided by time and fuel, she’s going to likely get in.

Look after,


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